I Hate Using Condoms | Seven Days Vermont

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I Hate Using Condoms 

Published March 22, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. | Updated March 23, 2023 at 9:39 a.m.

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Dear Reverend,

I really hate using condoms, but the woman I'm dating insists that I do. She also doesn't want to go on birth control. How can I make her understand that sex isn't as good for me when I wear one?

Wild Willie
(man, 24)

Dear Wild Willie,

Dude. What year is it where you live, 1973? If the person you're having sex with wants you to wear a condom, then that's what you do. No glove, no love.

If sex doesn't feel as good to you when you're wearing a condom, you're most likely using the wrong kind. Condom technology is far more advanced than it used to be, resulting in all sorts of sizes and styles. There's tons of information available online about how to find the one that's right for you. Check out condom-sizes.org, condomjungle.com or good ol' trojanbrands.com.

Condoms don't require a visit to a doctor or a prescription, and they aren't all that expensive. They don't have any of the side effects of many female birth control methods — such as headaches, nausea, weight fluctuations, depression and mood swings. I can't blame your girlfriend for not being excited about her birth control options, which are all much more complicated than slipping on a condom when it's go time. Not to mention dealing with the consequences if the best-laid plans fail.

Condoms are also very effective at preventing pregnancy with the added benefit of protecting against sexually transmitted diseases. As a person with a penis, instead of complaining, you should really be thanking your lucky stars that you got the easier end of the birth control stick. And remember: Sex with a condom feels better than no sex at all.

Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend

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About The Author

The Reverend

What's your problem? Need some irreverent counsel on life's conundrums? You can always just "Ask the Rev."


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