Seven Daysies Awards: Best neighborhood corner store, 2024

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Best neighborhood corner store 

Jericho Center Country Store

Jericho Center Country Store - GLENN RUSSELL
  • Glenn Russell
  • Jericho Center Country Store

Jericho Center Country Store — When we think of "corner stores," we may think of the urban version: convenient down-the-block markets where folks pop in for toothpaste, milk or an afterschool treat. But in Vermont's small towns, country stores play the same role — and few do it as well as the one on the Jericho Center Village Green.

In a post celebrating its Daysies nomination, the store's team said, "I mean, we're on the corner of our driveway, so that counts." You bet it does.

The Jericho Center Country Store has attracted generations of devotees with its pantry staples, penny candy, gas pumps, seasonal creemee window and neighborly chitchat. These days, its deli and grill are a draw for breakfast and lunch, serving egg sandwiches, burgers and Vermonter panini daily.

In biz since 1807, the Jericho Center Country Store is as classic as it gets; the Vermont Retail & Grocers Association recognized it as the longest-running store in the state. After 22 years of ownership by the St. Amour family, it changed hands in June and is ready for the next 200 years.

Other Finalists

  • Chick's Market
  • Dot's Market
  • Momo's Market
  • The Shopping Bag
(Sorry, no information is currently available for other years in this same award category.)

Location Details

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