Saks Afridi | Brattleboro Museum & Art Center | Art Shows | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

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Saks Afridi

When: Through Oct. 19
Phone: 802-257-0124

"SpaceMosque," an installation of multimedia works telling a sci-fi parafiction combining Islamic mysticism and technology.

Other Upcoming Events at Brattleboro Museum & Art Center

  • Vanessa Compton (Art Shows)

    • Through April 30, 2025
  • Jessica Straus (Art Shows)

    • Through Oct. 19
  • Lee Williams (Art Shows)

    • Through Nov. 3
  • Sandglass Theater (Art Shows)

    • Through Oct. 19
  • Susan Brearey and Duane Slick (Art Shows)

    • Through Oct. 19

See all upcoming events at Brattleboro Museum & Art Center »


These community event listings are sponsored by the WaterWheel Foundation, a project of the Vermont band Phish.

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