Construction Challenges Winooski's Main Street Restaurants | Seven Days Vermont

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Construction Challenges Winooski's Main Street Restaurants 

Detours and delivery disruptions plague small businesses as customers avoid the city's infrastructure project. We braved the construction for a few meals.

Published August 27, 2024 at 2:20 p.m. | Updated August 28, 2024 at 10:54 a.m.

The original print version of this article was headlined "The Main Issue | Construction challenges Winooski's Main Street restaurants"

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About The Authors

Jordan Barry

Jordan Barry

Jordan Barry is a food writer at Seven Days. She holds a master’s degree in food studies and previously produced podcasts about bread and beverages.
Amelia Catanzaro

Amelia Catanzaro

Amelia Catanzaro is a freelance writer for Seven Days. She earned a degree in economics and writing from the University of Vermont; spent time cooking in Bologna, Italy and now cooks in Burlington.
Melissa Pasanen

Melissa Pasanen

Melissa Pasanen is a food writer for Seven Days. She is an award-winning cookbook author and journalist who has covered food and agriculture in Vermont for 20 years.

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