Seven Days

Q&A With the Candidates for Attorney General

Seven Days Staff Sep 17, 2024 10:00 AM
From left: Charity R. Clark, Kevin Gustafson, Ture Nelson

The attorney general is Vermont's lawyer and represents the state in civil and criminal proceedings. The Attorney General's Office handles a wide variety of cases, including criminal offenses, civil rights violations, consumer protection and environmental matters. Incumbent AG Charity Clark is running for reelection. Find her answers below, along with those of her challengers, Kevin Gustafson and Ture Nelson.

Charity R. Clark

Age: 49
Town of residence: Williston
Occupation: Attorney general
Political party: Democratic

Scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated. What can your office do to prevent residents from being duped?

Helping Vermonters spot scams is critical to protecting them from scams. I have repeatedly used my platform, such as through social media and live appearances, to warn about specific scams and share tools for spotting scams. I have also strengthened our Consumer Assistance Program to better help victims of scams.

Kevin Gustafson

Age: 37
Town of residence: Rutland Town
Occupation: Attorney
Political party: Green Mountain Peace and Justice

Scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated. What can your office do to prevent residents from being duped?

My office would investigate every claim of fraud or violations of Vermont's Deceptive Trade Practices Act and divert resources from unnecessary and unhelpful flashy litigation (such as the case against Meta) and instead focus on the myriad schemes and fraudulent campaigns perpetrated against Vermonters every day.

Ture Nelson

Age: 58
Town of residence: Berlin
Occupation: Town administrator and member of the Berlin Selectboard
Political party: Republican

Scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated. What can your office do to prevent residents from being duped?

The biggest scam facing Vermonters is that between the out-of-control legislature raising taxes and fees and state agencies' uncontrolled spending, the common citizen doesn't stand a chance. We need to support law enforcement and provide the training to track down scammers and provide them the prosecutorial support in court.

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