Westford Selectboard Notice Of Emergency Public Hearing | General Notices | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

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Westford Selectboard Notice Of Emergency Public Hearing 

Published October 2, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

The Town of Westford Selectboard hereby provides notice of an emergency public hearing being held pursuant to Title 24, Sections 4444 and 4415 of the Vermont State Statues for the purpose of hearing public comments concerning: Interim Bylaws for the R5 Zoning District (Chapter 240 of the Westford Land Use & Development Regulations).

The public hearing has been scheduled for: Thursday, October 10th, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Westford Town Office, 1713 VT Route 128, Westford, Vermont or via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 849 7003 9345 - Passcode: iT8TNR

OR dial +1 646 558 8656 – Meeting ID: 849 7003 9345 – Passcode: 410760

Purpose: The Town is proposing to amend the Westford Land Use & Development Regulations to allow for development that is essential to protect the general welfare and provide for orderly physical and economic growth of the Town of Westford in the Rural 3 Zoning District. These bylaws are intended to facilitate development requiring approval by the Development Review Board within this district.

Geographic Area Affected: Rural 5 (R5) Zoning District

Summary of Changes to the Westford Zoning Regulations: Section 244.C and Figure 2-3 of the Interim Land Use & Development Regulations. Conditionally allowing for development to meet Planning & Design Standards by attaining points in the scoring system set forth in Figure 2-3.

Location Where Full Text May be Examined: Copies of the full text of the proposed amendment to the Westford Zoning Regulations are available at the Westford Town Office, 1713 VT Route 128, Westford, Vermont or may be viewed on the Town of Westford website at westfordvt.us/documents/planning-zoning.

Dated at Westford, Vermont this 20th day of September 2024.

Bill Cleary, Westford Selectboard Chair

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