Obituary: Alton W. “Tony” Smith, 1939-2024 | Seven Days Vermont

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Obituary: Alton W. “Tony” Smith, 1939-2024 

Avid hiker climbed all of the 4,000-foot mountains in New England and New York

Published September 2, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. | Updated September 2, 2024 at 2:18 p.m.

click to enlarge Alton "Tony" Smith - COURTESY
  • Courtesy
  • Alton "Tony" Smith
Alton W. “Tony” Smith, 85, died peacefully on Friday, August 30, 2024, at the Manor in Morrisville, Vt. Tony moved from Connecticut to Burlington in 1971, but he lived most of his adult life in Wolcott. He worked for 38 years for the Vermont Department of Employment and Training (later the Vermont Department of Labor) as an employment specialist and veterans representative, retiring from its Morrisville office on January 1, 2010.
Tony lived an active life. He was a dedicated member of the Vermont State Employees’ Association. He was an active member of the Green Mountain Club, first the Burlington Section and later the Sterling Section. He was a member of the Appalachian Mountain Club, Adirondack Mountain Club and Adirondack 46ers (#3055W).
Tony was an avid hiker, including in the winter on snowshoes and cross-country skis. In March 1992, he finished climbing all of the 4,000-foot mountains in New England and New York in the winter, thereby becoming a member of “the Northeast 111 Club” as recognized by the AMC Four Thousand Footer Club. Tony was No. 21 on the winter list, No. 201 on the all-season list. He completed winter ascents of the “New England Hundred Highest” mountains in March 1999.
The accompanying photo shows Tony on Wildcat Mountain in New Hampshire on March 8, 1987, with Mount Washington in the background.
An event to celebrate and remember Tony Smith’s life will be held soon, arranged by John Sharp of Burlington and George Putnam of Jeffersonville — friends of Tony and winter hiking partners. If you would like to be notified when this event is scheduled, please call or text George Putnam at 802-309-7598 or email him at [email protected].
For a longer obituary, see
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